Thomas Behling

"Universum Clock – Die Stimmen der Verstorbenen" – "Universum Clock – The voices of the decedents"

Thomas Behling: "Universum Clock – Die Stimmen der Verstorbenen" – "Universum Clock – The voices of the decedents", 2021, 47 x 31 x 21 cm

"Anthroposzenische Landschaften"

Following its success in Bremen, the "Anthroposzenische Landschaften" exhibition is moving on to Frankfurt am Main.
The show can be seen at two venues there: Galerie Perpetuel and Husslehof.

Opening 13.7.2024: 4-6 pm Galerie Perpetuel // 7-10 pm Husslehof
Performance "TAKEOVER BP, Now!" by and with Ruppe Koselleck from 8 pm.

Exhibition 14.7.- 1.8.2024

Galerie Perpetuel, Oppenheimer Straße 59, 60598 Frankfurt a.M., Germany:
Gunnar Borbe, Julia Münstermann, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Nicole Schuck, Frans van Tartwijk, Philip Topolovac, Florian Tuercke, Michael Wendt

Husslehof, Koblenzer Straße 12, 60327 Frankfurt a.M., Germany:
Norbert Bauer, Gleb Bas, Thomas Behling, Andreas Helfer, Ruppe Koselleck, Anna Lerchbaumer, Zuzanna Skiba, Anna Staffel, Ralf Tekaat

Performance "TAKEOVER BP, Now!" by and with Ruppe Koselleck:
During the opening, Ruppe Koselleck will open a temporary office at Galerie Husslehof from 8pm onwards for the HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF BP and make real paintings and frottages from raw oil on site. Using tar and oily dirt found on the coasts of the oceans, the crude oil painter will create paintings. The sale of these works finances the purchase of shares in a globally operating oil company. For aesthetic reasons, Koselleck applies the polluter pays principle against the oil company, which he attacks with his self-inflicted waste. Share by share, the artist incorporates the company in order to smash it into a thousand pieces one day. You buy art and Ruppe Koselleck buys BP.

Opening hours at both locations:
Tue - Thu 2pm - 6pm & Sat 12pm - 2pm
Admission free

"Anthroposzenische Landschaften"
Classical romantic landscapes are often untouched landscapes. In the paintings of the American Hudson River School of Painters or in many of Caspar David Friedrich's paintings, nature is the main motif and man is not present, or only marginally. Man is only a tiny part of the universe - and of the painting - and nature is an immeasurable force to which man must submit. For an American artist in the 19th century, the amount of untouched and unexplored nature was indeed immeasurable, and even 19th-century European artists could wander through beautiful and mostly empty forests and mountainous regions. The romantic dream of nature is still very much alive. However, the landscapes we mostly travel to and live in are cities and rural areas that are almost entirely shaped by human activity. In the so-called Anthropocene, nature is no longer omnipotent, and man has become the main player and disruptive force on the planet. When we read a magazine like National Geographic, most of us are still fascinated by the perfectly rendered photos of natural landscapes in distant parts of the world, but those who actually want to visit these areas have to spend many hours on a plane, only to realize upon arrival that they are not the only ones. However, the landscapes we mostly travel to and live in are cities and rural areas that are almost entirely shaped by human activity. In the so-called Anthropocene, nature is no longer omnipotent and humans have become the main actor and disruptive force on the planet.

Thomas Behling: "Du sollst den Klimawandel lieben, denn er wird Deine Nachfahren besiegen."

Thomas Behling: "Du sollst den Klimawandel lieben, denn er wird Deine Nachfahren besiegen."– "You should love climate change because it will defeat your descendants.", 2020, 21 x 28 cm


The studio im HOCHHAUS shows ALLES (EVERYTHING).

Opening on Tuesday, July 9 at 6 pm.

Elisabeth Ajtay – Sonja Alhäuser – Michelle Alperin – Stefka Ammon – Nándor Angstenberger – Christoph Bangert – Heike Kati Barath – Gabriele Basch – Michael Bause – Kai-Annett Becker – Matthias Beckmann – Christoph Beer – Thomas Behling – Nora Below – Arnold Berger – Holger Biermann – Gunnar Borbe – Patrick Borchers – Kai Bornhöft – David Braithwaite – Susanne Britz – Simone Brühl – Ingmar Bruhn – Thomas Bruns – Astrid Busch – Dirk Busch – Claudia Busching – Frieder Butzmann – Michele Caliari – Alexander Callsen – Kyung-hwa Choi-Ahoi – Herbert De Colle – Marula di Como – Chris Costan – Henrike Daum – Dellbrügge & de Moll – Nanett Dietz – Annedore Dietze – Chris Dietzel – Andreas Drewer – Tina Dunkel – Rouven Dürr – Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout – Manfred Eichhorn – Jürgen Eisenacher – Dana Engfer – Christel Fetzer – Frederik Foert – Franziska Frey – Sabine Friesicke – Agustín García Benito – Ingo Gerken – Manfred Gipper – Katrin Glanz – Thorsten Goldberg – Kerstin Gottschalk – Massoud Graf-Hachempour – Hinrich Gross – Robert Gschwantner – Kim Dotty Hachmann – Ulrich Hakel – Zandra Harms – Klaus Hartmann – Lisa Haselbek – Tanja Hehn – Ulrich Heinke – Andreas Helfer – Gerhard Himmer – Annika Hippler – Peter Hock – Reinhard Hölker – Birgit Hölmer – Ralf Homann – Alexander Horn – Esther Horn – Fabian Hub – Irène Hug – Franziska Hünig – Gunilla Jähnichen – Zora Jankoviće – Thomas Jehnert – Gabriele Jerke – Uwe Jonas – Yuki Jungesblut – Nikos Kalaitzis – Mi Jean Kang – Judith Karcheter – Peter Kees – Werner Kernebeck – Annette Kisling – Ulrike & Günther-Jürgen Klein – Susanne Knaack – Andreas Koch – Silke Koch – Susanne Kohler – Eva-Maria Kollischan – Karen Koltermann – Sebastian Körbs – Inge Krause – Christine Kriegerowski – Käthe Kruse – Annette Kuhl – Susanne Kutter – Patricia Lambertus – Nina Langbehn – Gesa Lange – Michael Lapuks – Seraphina Lenz – Sabine Linse – Pia Linz – Christine Lohr – Agnes Lörincz – Petra Lottje – Sarah Lüttchen – Rei Matsushima – Matthias Mayer – Udo Meinel – Manfred Michl – Ulrike Mohr – Mariella Mosler – Leo de Munk – Berit Myrebøe – Marcell Naubert – Joe Neave – Gertrud Neuhaus – Gabriele Obermaier – Lorcan O’Byrne – Mayumi Okabayashi – Juergen O. Olbrich – Jürgen Paas – Lydia Paasche – Roman Pfeffer – Andrea Pichl – Torsten Prothmann – Katja Pudor – Emily Pütter – Maria-Leena Räihälä – Thomas Ravens – Andrea van Reimersdahl – Kai Richter – Gerda Riechert – Daniel Rödiger – Matthias Roth – rasso rottenfusser – Maike Sander – Walter Santoni – Matthias Schamp – Gisela Schattenburg – Sandra Schlipkoeter – Alexandra Schlund – Nadja Schöllhammer – Sylvia Schultes – Richard Schütz – Anton Schwarzbach – Olivia W. Seiling – Spunk Seipel – Daniel Seiple – Fabian Seiz – Tanja Selzer – Soji Shimizu – Hildegard Skowasch – Elisabeth Sonneck – Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag – Marie Lynn Speckert – Christina Speer – Carmine Speranza – Petra Spielhagen – Anne Staszkiewicz – Alexander Steig – Christian Stock – Stock'n'Wolf & Ritterskamp – ststs – Betty Stürmer – Lorant Szathmary – Vastiane Tamayo – Thea Timm – Asami Togawa – Peter Torp – Tim Trantenroth – Dorit Trebeljahr – Petra Trenkel – Andrea Übelacker – Anke Völk – Yvonne Wahl – Klaus Walter – Ivo Weber – Albert Weis – Vincent Wenzel – Markus Willeke – HS Winkler – Andreas Wolf – Anna Zakelj – Majla Zeneli – Julia Ziegler – Sandra Zuanovic – H.H. Zwanzig

Duration: July 10 to September 9, 2024

studio im HOCHHAUS
Zingster Straße 25
13051 Berlin

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 2pm-6pm
Free admission

"Ich wollte schon immer nicht wissen, wie sehr ich mich selbst verarschen kann." – "I always didn't want to know how much I could take the piss out of myself."

Thomas Behling: "Ich wollte schon immer nicht wissen, wie sehr ich mich selbst verarschen kann." – "I always didn't want to know how much I could take the piss out of myself." III, 2022, one fake and nine real swastika stamps, paper, pencil, glass, frame, 22 x 28 cm

"Schrift-Bild" – "Scripture image"

The artist Carlfriedrich Claus (1930-1998), who is regarded as a co-founder of visual poetry, worked in Annaberg-Buchholz in complete seclusion and only communicated with the world through lively correspondence. In his language sheets, he explored the connection between language, thought and society.
In addition to works by Carlfriedrich Claus, the exhibition shows artistic positions with different strategies in which writing is an elementary component of the image.

Participating artists:
Thomas Behling, Joseph Beuys, Micha Brendel, Carlfriedrich Claus, mykola dzhychka, Niels Engler, Lutz Fleischer, Frank Herrmann, Karl Herrmann, Hans Hess, Christian Hussel, Matthias Jackisch, Christian Jacob, Sonia Jakuschewa, Birger Jesch, Gabriele Jesch, Anna Kasten, Ralf Langer, Jacqueline Merz, Jörn Michael, Jürgen O. Olbrich, Osmar Osten, Thomas Ranft, Dagmar Ranft-Schinke, Ursél Ritter, Sabine Sachs, Gabriela Schlenz, Fritz Schönfelder, Andreas Schüller, Detlef Schweiger, Jörg Seifert, Holger Wendland

Opening on 15.06.2024 at 5 pm
Duration: 15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024

A catalogue will be published for the exhibition

Art cellar Annaberg
Wilischstraße 11
09456 Annaberg-Buchholz

Open daily by appointment: Tel.: 03733/42001
Free admission

"In Zeiten des Klimawandels übe auch ich mich im Verzicht" – "In times of climate change, I am also practicing renunciation"

Thomas Behling: "In Zeiten des Klimawandels übe auch ich mich im Verzicht" – "In times of climate change, I am also practicing renunciation", 2024, 15 x 20 cm


“inzwischen” means as much as in the meantime.
The exhibition shows painting, graphics, drawing, photography and object art.

Frank Albrecht, Thomas Behling, Mechtild Böger, Frank Bohlmann, Werner Henkel, Uwe Kreutzkamp, Christian Plep, Barbara Rosengarth, Ulrich Schnelle, Isabel Valecka, Anette Venzlaff, Michael Wendt, Reiner Will

Opening: Friday, August 16, 2024, 8 pm
Duration: 16.08. - 06.09.2024

Galerie des Westens
Reuterstr. 9 – 17
28217 Bremen

Opening hours:
Wed 16:00 - 19:00
Thu 16:00 - 21:00
Fri 16:00 - 19:00
free admission

"The social pyramid"

Thomas Behling: "Die soziale Pyramide" – "The social pyramid", 2024


The exhibition "[ R ] EVOLUTION" covers a wide range of topics. In a mail art project, the Markgräfler Museum called for a postcard-sized statement under the motto "[R]Evolution". Artists from all over the world wrote to the Markgräfler Museum. Diverse and imaginative submissions with political, social and ecological ideas form the echo, which also builds a bridge to the ongoing anniversary "175 Years of the 1848/49 Revolution". The design of the individual cards will surprise you just as much as the presentation of the mail art project.

Duration: 23.6.-29.12.2024

Markgräfler Museum Müllheim in the Blankenhorn-Palais
Wilhelmstrasse 7
79379 Müllheim in the Markgräflerland

Opening hours:
Open Wednesday to Saturday from 2-6 pm and Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm

Admission: EUR 4.00, free admission for children, young people up to the age of 21, schoolchildren, trainees, students, etc.